What is the PTA?

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is an organisation, composed of parents and teachers, the purpose being to encourage closer links, between home and school, and to raise funds to help support the school.  It provides an opportunity for everyone to work towards a common goal.  As well as raising funds, we hold social events, which are great for getting to know the other families within the school.

How does the PTA help the school?

We play an integral role at Frieth, supporting the day to day teaching and enhancing the school curriculum.  PTA funds help to buy books and other learning resources, and have recently funded playground equipment and school trips.

How can you help?

As a parent of a child at Frieth school, you are automatically a member of our PTA, so why not come along to the next meeting and see what’s coming up and have your say about how the funds are spent.  You will (hopefully) find it very interesting and find there are many ways you can help.  

The great thing about the PTA is you choose how much or how little you are involved, you can…

  • Attend meetings – we’d love to have you there!
  • Help at an event – many hands make light work!
  • Run your own event – A fresh idea is always welcome!
  • Donate prizes – We have raffles at some of our events
  • Share your talents with us – let us know if you have a useful talent

Or simply attend the events with your friends and families