The School Donations Fund is used in conjunction with the school budget and PTA fundraising where the school needs significant funds for particular projects.
In recent years, this fundraising has been used to support the following projects which have been identified as priorities within the School Development Plan:
- The IT infrastructure project
- Redesign, building works and new furniture for the new Library
- Resurfacing of the outdoor area
- New resources for teaching and learning in Maths
- New resources for teaching English
- New instruments for teaching whole class music
Private donations and the School Donations Fund have allowed the school budget to support the costs of other works including the significant amounts needed for the rewire and new integrated fire system without going into a deficit budget, whilst still providing the excellent resources and grounds needed for our pupils to have the best possible opportunities in school.
If you would like to set up a direct debit to the School Donations Fund, please download the form below: